

DarkTree FPS – Survival FPS (AI, Inventory, Mobile rig)


Main features:
– Inventory system with consumables, ammo, and event system
– Scene save/load system. you’ll be able to save your scene with all objects! things, NPCs, player stats, inventory. Save everything!
– straightforward zombie AI with simple code. Extend as you want!
– Mobile input with one toggle activate.
– improvement and nil bug tolerance is the key to nice performance!
– AI system with a completely different set of a state (patrol, wandering, idle, follow to focus on, look for and destroy, military science etc.)
– Powerful and automatic pooling system for all the objects that may be instantiated at runtime
– The physical aiming system takes muzzle rework for plausible aiming and shooting impact
– able to use straightforward FPS Controller with movement animation
– swish sway system for weapon movement enclosed
– Destruction sample enclosed within the package – plenty of impact examples


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