

Animation Baking Studio (3D to 2D) - Free Download


📦 Overview 📦

This tool allows you to capture images of various 3D models from different angles. The output files include sprite sheets, animation clips, normal maps, and more, which can be used for 2D or 2.5D games.

🎮 Features 🎮

🎨 Animation Models 🎨

  • Supports both legacy and mechanim animation models
  • Supports Particle System models

📸 Continuous Filming 📸

  • Allows continuous filming of models and animations
  • Supports filming in various directions

💡 Shadow Types 💡

  • Supports various shadow types

🧩 Output Creation 🧩

  • Creates sprite sheets
  • Creates animation clips
  • Creates animator controllers
  • Creates prefabs
  • Creates normal maps
  • Creates materials

🔥 Play Mode Baking 🔥

  • Supports play mode baking (including mirror animations and animation rigging)

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